
The Woo Way - Reducing the Burden on Mind

The Woo Way is "based on the ancient Taoist principle of wu wei, which means living in harmony with the Tao as the fullness of life...."

The Way of the Woo, on the other hand, is based on the principle of wei wu. Roughly translated, wei means 'action' or 'effort'. Wu is generally a negative meaning 'not have' or 'without'. So, wu wei is the principle of doing without actually doing, or natural action. That is, you do what you do without the knowledge of doing it, thus living a full, happy life because you have no need to question why things happen.

However, the Way of the Woo derives from the philosophy of wei wu, which examines the actions of the 'not doing'. Those who 'don't' while saying they 'do' - accurately describes the principle. They reflect on that which is not to affect that which is.

Nevertheless, the Woo Way can still provide us with some appropriate wooisms, to wit:
Like digging the ground to plant a garden, the work takes effort. By cultivating new thinking and behavior, you discover that life doesn’t have to be such a struggle. It can be easier and more fun. As you nourish that ease and playfulness, you realize the words of the Woo Master: "Reduce burden on mind and watch feet do little dance."


Walter said...

"As you nourish that ease and playfulness, you realize the words of the Woo Master: "Reduce burden on mind and watch feet do little dance."

Yeah, who needs to practice? :rolleyes:

Sanswoo said...

Practice makes perfect. Only God is perfect. You are not God. Do not practice.